Norway is full of really talented artists, no offense to their neighbors, masters of pop, Sweden!
name you may say something. For if we are talking now of Elizabeth, not because it is new on the Norwegian scene.
Since 2008 the pretty Norwegian has released no less than 4 singles. Destructive Thunder and Even If The Rain titles were very successful but in a pop / r'n'b appeared earlier, and unfortunately they have not managed to convince the Norwegian public. An album was even planned for early 2010, competed with the title lorsqu'Elisabeth Rocketfuel
in Melodi Grand Prix but the views of some encouraging results, the album has simply been canceled.
But Elizabeth has more than one asset to his bow, and is armed with a more glamorous image, especially a sound veering to electro-pop she tackles in this year 2011.

So it's a huge surprise to see Elizabeth landed in the world of electro-pop. And it is clear that there is remarkably good! "You'll Never Love Me ", again produced by his friend Thomas Erikssen (who also released an album pretty good last year), is effective at the highest point. A real stroke of heart then!
Quite simply, it sounds like Margaret Berger (who is back, if you do not always know). an electro-pop dance, like a 'Will You Remember Me Tomorrow' but who wants sad / pessimistic to the lyrics. In short, while the contrast is often a security effectiveness.
Listen to "You'll Never Love Me ":
. In a recent interview, Elisabeth said she expects released an EP of 5 or 6 titles with other titles in the same style. You may say we are already very impatient! importantly, we hope that Elizabeth will finally have the recognition of Norway.
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