Heaven pure sweet air, Rhone (since no sea) calm - and remugles black humor. Anger against me, my contempt for bad reaction to my back quite sharply for two days at my place on discrete "social networks" and deletion of `clueless" (and I was incredibly unfair for a spoiled Just over a month), my ridiculous growling before taking a few hundred grams are essential, the perfect and ridiculous futility of the whole.
I postponed this bad mood on abortion predictable (not complete) of the Algerian market, the fact that newspapers seemed to have planned, programmed, by the discretion of their coverage of what is going on since early January in this country, the discretion of their coverage that day. (Unless it has been the real source of my dark bile)
Am I being stubborn and, at mid-afternoon, a record of what I found Around on http://brigttecelerier.blogspot.com/2011/02/algerie-la-non-marche-du-12-fevrier-vu.html including Small videos
which it
and then, with tea and continued to sulk (I still read) the Internet world, I took the first book by an Algerian author that I found in my mess, and I read it in small jumps, because I had been lucky and I like the new "coffee" of Mohammed Dib (published 1955)

"- This meeting today, you all know why we hold. It is for the elections ... And y'all know how to pass elections here. -This time around, they stunned Sadak. They gave him the death blow. You know ... Live there, live there not? Nobody can tell what will happen. But they have settled well, men. And why? Because we were told: You are free to vote ... Sadak explained this to our brothers, "Now that we have our candidate, he said, requires that fellah know. "... "
" They went to wake the peasants throughout the country. They had locked themselves in their cabins; messengers knocking on doors. Flame flickering of a torch lit with a sudden burst of fellahs faces. They had already recognized his voice. In the opaque darkness, there was only the faces that stood out, caressed by the soft touch of light. Visitors submitting papers and then sank again in the middle of the night. "

" I also, I remember a miserly and terrible existence. It was bored, a weariness that gripped the soul originated as a sleepy haze. It felt so bored that stifle: it was a casting of lead that you met the chest. When I recall what happened next, I can hardly believe it was all really well. The man, obviously, was wrapped in a shroud of ignorance and fear. He walked with his head down, full of fear, he dared to show the world. "

and more recent times, another war," Morituri "by Yasmina Khadra (lower quality to me, but I've found it fairly and quickly)
" There are a lot of people. Each carries its standing as, lately, his groom father of the saddle of his master. I strive to compare to penguins, as they are strapped in their tuxedo austere, but I can not. They are so beautiful, so elegant, so happy. There is no doubt that the world belongs to them, the sun rises only to them. The war that ravaged the country has not enough guts to venture to their stronghold. For them, it's just subversion. "
can cross the sea and read, to swim in 32 pages of poetry" where does the earth "Michele Dujardin http://www.publie.net/fr/ebook/ 9782814504233/où-s-arrête-la-terre
and stay near the conclusion of the World Day in Algiers: "This is a partial failure. If the protesters could not scroll as expected due to the strong police presence, they still held an event consequent to Algiers, where a state of emergency is in force since 1992. This mobilization calls may be others. According to El Watan, the organizers are to meet Sunday to decide on further movement. "
(son of Kateb Yacine)
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