revolutions, an immense desire to play (just followed, a lot of cramming and sleep too), filled with tender, two paragraphs trained finally by the first line for communicating vessels (this may be too long, I stopped for pruning), a vague idea of ironing, washed hair, dazed contemplation of the state of some of the corpses, but not all, of my yard
then that clueless is not empty completely, two paragraphs of the train (with a very distinct lack of variety) http://leconvoidesglossolales.blogspot.com/

In the small street, three homes were in response to old and simple, unadorned other than the regularity of their openings and the depth of them, because of the thickness of the walls, the game between the windows, creating corners can be trimmed with stone benches inside the different rooms, posed at the front and some small windows and doors that disappeared into the caves of stone, such as brow ridges. The door of the first, divided into four panels discreetly molded, was perfectly proportioned, as a sketch on a student. It was painted a blue gray enough support and had an easygoing and cheerful elegance, contrasting with the decay nascent plaster walls and a few shards of worn top step of the porch.
(9 February)

The home of Paul and Mary in the little street in the center of the trio linked by proximity, simplicity, and the thickness of walls which created small holes for nesting shadow doors had been whitewashed in a white hard, worthy of a seaport in Brittany, as shown for a small regret, being stripped away, turn the page on their past and seek to make a new life here. Not so different, yet they had invested what they had saved (actually it was whispered that they had experienced a tragedy, or perhaps most, or simple problems, but we knew no more) in the purchase of a small restaurant in an alley near the market, and its transformation into a pancake, quickly recommended by a local newspaper.
(14 February)
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