Morning rain without announcement, without even the humidity is Pregnant, but in a slightly lumpy gray, with small infiltration of poor light.

tables and chairs are out, regaining possession of the Place de l'Horloge, guarded by a regiment of umbrellas securely closed.

walls and revive their unruly vegetable trimmings, waiting for the sun,
The Wall halls saw slowly still has slight awkwardness, but would raise intractable branches outside of the program to the sky.
However, inside the vegetation is too bright to beautifully evoke the gray really sweet of olive leaves.
I have accumulated small blunders, lost and found bags, bought beautiful and good things and things that do not know how to take advantage.
And to remember that lazy sunny exist and we should expect somewhere in the future, I repeat the lines, I do know why, kept on file, written to try to attend a workshop night of BUA on third book http://www.tierslivre.net (but as it is old, December 2010, I did not find the link): Dialogues. I no longer have the text of Francis Good, very sorry, nor its information, but I seem to remember that the focus should make significant personality of the interlocutor, to name just a few sentences in discourse Direct ... and the outcome, good or not, was it (and as it left a very transposed memory, I said that the description of "it" and then does everything, except for some details, is perfectly whimsical):
- You should not smoke
I did not hear coming. I lift my head off my cigar in the empty flower pot. He stopped a moment, before the coffee table and bench, almost imperceptibly, as we paused on entering a room and then spilled out onto a deck.
- You never want to go to the beach? It was great this morning, you should ..
His stocky, solid, massive face without much charm except the small bright eyes. That smile that I quickly forgot that my little surprise at the choice of my niece. The high forehead, that looked a little hesitant he always knows which one he has extreme attention it gives to the speaker or the gym, plus a more unconscious, but certainly still present , what the French for it - this deep voice with inflections sweet barely perceptible. And as always it makes me want to smile, to laugh, and as always having too much respect to risk it, I expect that gives me the opportunity.
What is not lacking in response to a vague question, he began to tell me their afternoon and everything becomes comical adventure and adventure.
- But I was tired after a while, or rather I had ..
I provided him with the word "sick", he accepts it with a grin confused.
- So we left, we took a stroll around town, Jeanne wanted to converse, and then me, in Charlemagne, I found this:
and it lands on the table Domus, an architectural magazine that I do not know and then he handed me a book
- and look, it's fabulous, it is on the Bauhaus, you know?
I say yes. He goes, he shows me, he comments, we leaf. He stops on drawings, pictures of me on objects. We are discussing. He told me
- but, you know really ..
and then closes the book, happy, I promise it will pay me so I can read the texts, because he finds they are extremely interesting, and I agree we do not find them very easily (at least I think so, and it does not contradict me).
He leans back. He asks me what I was reading. I turn back the Cybook and I handed him. He does not know.
Silence. Revving a motorcycle behind the reeds. I grope for him to ask if he is happy to stay in New York. An air enthusiast, stealth, and then:
- yes, I actually had contact ...
A reservation, which I do not know if it is admitted failure. Jeanne tells me. And then he tells me of his blog, or rather his participation in a blog designer, and then the gallery of a friend, he is preparing the exhibition, and it has recovered a bit leaning forward, he is charming, unconscious or nearly so, he talks about what he wants. We are well .
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