Avignon - running - swimming in the wet - take refuge in the flotoir

On the way back from the civet, cheroot in his mouth, under the big blue fleecy remains, found myself caught in a very small group of riders installments of 10 kms from Avignon, nice mixture of power, technical, ages and outfits. At the top of the Rue Saint Sebastian, down the sidewalk symbolic, in which the primer tumble, they've followed suit, but without style and dressed in a trench too. As anyway I was disqualified for too little term I returned to the sidewalk widened under the approving eye of the head and yellow waistcoat, I returned to my lair around which continued their rounds.

Tuesday we woke up in the wet, a succession of drizzle, rain, soaked breaks,
a time that seemed to echo this, read in these last lines of ticket flotoir Trocmé Florence, which I like as http://poezibao.typepad.com/flotoir/ (I hope will forgive me this looting)
the bank collapses, collapsing piece by piece over time in rivers and chasms black night - slip into the solid earth magma and sludge, glue-shroud - time spent behind the tilting earth, opening and closing ports, access - the shade is a black mist, deposit on all things, which seemed to color tarnishing, arousal returns to the unreal - skull and heart all is resolved in sand-swept the sea, large general redistribution already. (February 11)

met him at this echo decrepit truck and wheelbarrow proud that photography Martine Sonnet (just a private joke, sorry, but it's a little chorus on twitter )
and welcomed joy with which to polish the vegetation that tries, tirelessly, to colonize the city.
went out to check the evacuation of the court after a water tight package, stubborn, it is crushed, and immediately the rain let up until it disappears, but the humidity had settled on us Sad and me, giving impulse to escape,
and as could not escape in the sun, like at this table (with the changes bring What distance teneuse usual levity of the device and reflection) of Lionnet (I guess) gave me a few minutes in my sunny humidity ), came back to this flotoir and that ticket ended February 14
sand bone
sap still in the tree almost dead embers of the fire is out, look alive in a ravaged face, in black and putrid waters, the brightness of a fish and sulfur in the clouds, the flight of a bird - as the heel, under the boot, with no stops, the small, weak and defenseless, however: jokes, snub to categorical imperatives, grows tiny unseal the concrete slab - infinite below alluvium, ash, sand bone and the eye, gray & cold water tears
PS I think the table (I must go see it again) is much more likely Bevan http://www.oliverbevan.com - begged forgiveness
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