Finally we found something new to the debate with the perennial concern about vaccination and especially the opponents of this therapeutic yet so effective. There 5OO new cases of narcolepsy in France, some were even brought before vaccination. Probably a pre-vaccination reaction! That deserves a big study.
We find the same nonsense made the approximation of fortuitous circumstances, as with the so-called multiple sclerosis occurred after vaccination against hepatitis B. It said many appeared not called. Therein lies the problem for a shortcut media and unscientific. Since we know that no vaccine against hepatitis B is the cause of MS, but rumors are persistent qu'imbéciles.
Some vaccinated against Influenza A (H1N1) have won a fortune e
In fact did you know that dozens of people have won the lottery after being vaccinated against H1N1? But he better not fuss made by the fear of running out of vaccines ....
Some vaccinated against Influenza A (H1N1) have won a fortune e
In fact did you know that dozens of people have won the lottery after being vaccinated against H1N1? But he better not fuss made by the fear of running out of vaccines ....
Go see what they say about the earthquake in Haiti on January 12. You can imagine anyway right? Guess?
If ... These are the United States who are responsible for this earthquake. What to remain shaken!
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