The flu experts under fire for their links with laboratories
Expertise Health, questioned for his ties to pharmaceutical companies during the epidemic H1N1, should be better supervised and open civil society, in a debate held in the Assembly. Socialist MP Gerard Bapt, President of Study Group Environmental Health of the National Assembly, was held Wednesday at the Assembly hearing group (health officials, experts, associations).
experts who advise on products or health strategies should certainly make a statement of "conflict of interest" and clarify their personal interests may have in any matter, including their links with the laboratories. The problem is that the statement is not verified and there is no penalty for failure. Competence, impartiality, transparency, all speakers agreed on principles. "There is an unfair stigma experts," said Jean Marimbert, CEO of Afssaps (drug agency), while Bruno Lina, chartered including H1N1, ensured there was always "adversarial and peer review. " Dominique Maraninchi, President of the Cancer Institute (Inca), noted "considerable progress" made by expertise, headed by the Inca to foreign specialists and involving patients' associations.
A charter of ethics of expertise to the study e
Several stakeholders have suggested ideas for framing expertise. Work is underway on a charter of ethics of public health expertise, common to all health agencies, said the secretary general of the Directorate General Health, Martial Mettendorf. Jean Marimbert made the difference between "useful links leading to major conflicts" and others "having a minor impact." A conflict of interest, may be "just a train ticket paid by a manufacturer," added Bruno Lina. He suggested that the experts state the amount received for a given activity, because, he said, "give expressions of interest without money behind it is useless." All felt the need "to be intractable on compliance." Marc Mortureux, who will head the new agency involving AFSSA (food) Afsset and (Environment and Labour), said a scientific council would be "the guarantor of the scientific quality of the expertise and independence," and that would be created "an ethics committee and prevention of conflicts of interest ". He pledged to hold public debates and open expertise to the humanities. Guespereau for Martin, director of Afsset, expertise should not focus only on risks "proven" but also "uncertainty", applying the precautionary principle. It must also be open to civil society, to ask the right questions. "If I do not know what risk people are afraid, I can not answer, "he said. Cicolella Andre Network, healthy environment, has suggested creating a" High Authority of the alert and expertise, "which set out principles and would enforce them. "No policeman, the traffic is a scrap of paper," he said. Bruno Lina has suggested that experts provide statements of interest "contract" where the person "and committed can be criminally prosecuted.