Monday, August 30, 2010

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Threats on vaccinations after the soap or H1N1

After the fiasco of the vaccination campaign against "false pandemic" influenza caused by H1N1 virus, specialists in public health want to reconcile the French with the vaccine before the arrival of winter infections .

The disastrous campaign of vaccination against the H1N1 has only confirm and amplify a disturbing trend. "Dr. Robert Cohen, a pediatrician and coordinator of the network INFOVAC to hospital in Créteil, will resume his stick Pilgrim. Back to school and the inevitable return of seasonal influenza infections and winter are likely to revive debate on immunization.

GP and pediatricians will be on the front line in dealing with critics patients and parents who are sure to remind them of the serial episodes H1N1.

The Senate report on the "false pandemic" published in early August is very severe with the French government and the World Health Organization (WHO), accused of "group think that led to a substantial overestimation of risk." The document denounces pell-mell "excessive purchases", the "failure of general association" and "conflicts of interest among experts and industrialists."

Senators Alain Milon (UMP) and François Autain (Communist), authors of the report and both doctors, believe that policymakers have been blinded by the scenarios the worst "and influenced by vaccine manufacturers" in an oligopoly situation. " Industrialists have also benefited from the panic to transfer to the French state health responsibilities on any defective products. In France, 5.35 million people were immunized against H1N1 (8.23% of the population), against about 10% in Germany, 25% in the United States and nearly 65% in Sweden. The campaign has resulted in worldwide sales of vaccines estimated between 5 and 6 billion.

drop in confidence

Another survey prepared by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe is equally critical of the institutions. According to the rapporteur of the mission, Britain's Paul Flynn (Socialist), "serious deficiencies were identified regarding the transparency of decision-making process." This document is also concerned about a "drop in reliance on advice given by public health agencies." A justified fear: almost 40% of French believe that the H1N1 vaccine was "not sure". Result This ac cumulation of blunders: the vicissitudes of political health H1N1, according to Robert Cohen, a bad blow to the "backbone of the fight against infectious diseases."

Abiker David, a columnist at the time on France Info, has followed the case by analyzing the buzz on the Internet. "This crisis marks the rout experts. The French rejected the official communication and the precautionary principle applied to the square, "says this observer in the galaxy of the Web, for whom the Internet" gives a bonus to derision and rumor. " According to Jacques Attali also interested observer of events, it is further proof of "loss of confidence in the elites of a society increasingly individualistic." These reactions disturb the confidence of public health specialist Yves Charpak, "Fighting against an invading virus is a collective war. Not to vaccinate is a selfish behavior. "

is in this context that the missionaries of Health will have to speak again before the arrival of the first frost. A more difficult exercise that vaccination has three features that blur its image: it is aimed at bienportants, protection is imperfect and it causes side effects. "It's a completely different biologic drug. Its effectiveness varies depending on the disease and patients. This uncertainty is difficult to manage, "admits Dr. Benoît Soubeyrand, medical director of Sanofi Pasteur MSD.

In fact, the act provides a dual vaccine prevention: it protects individual (I make my immune system a threat) and is a shield collective (in protecting me, I preserve my surroundings). The trouble is that this beautiful logic, which combines individualism and altruism, does not work every time. We must introduce a few statistics to understand the strategy of epidemiologists.
On the same subject

An exponential progression - Effect herd

An infectious agent (virus, bacterium or parasite) is characterized by its virulence and contagiousness. A child ill with measles or pertussis infects an average of fifteen people around him, about two cons if infected with influenza virus. But the effectiveness of a vaccine never reaches 100%. The best (measles) are close to 95%, while the worst (flu) in some years down to 60%. Control an epidemic therefore requires a military-style response: the more a disease is contagious and must vaccinate large populations quickly to cut the road to the pathogen. "This is for the herd effect," says Robert Cohen.

side effects are another weak point of the process. They are still very poorly supported by the public who accepts it difficult to run a risk with preventive therapy. Moreover, the perceived risk often has nothing to do with the actual risk. According to a Finnish study of 581 pairs of twins, the majority of problems are not modified varicella side reactions, but intercurrent events (temporally related to vaccination, but no causal relationship). But the cliches and superstitions die hard and no one likes bad news. Whoever breaks his leg the day after a vaccination will be tried link the two events and attribute his misfortune to the heirs of Pasteur. However, if he wins the lottery, he will put this on account of his good fortune.
Alain Perez, Les Echos

Saturday, August 28, 2010

French Song 2010 Slow

Narcolepsy Narcolepsy narcoineptie

Finally we found something new to the debate with the perennial concern about vaccination and especially the opponents of this therapeutic yet so effective. There 5OO new cases of narcolepsy in France, some were even brought before vaccination. Probably a pre-vaccination reaction! That deserves a big study.
We find the same nonsense made the approximation of fortuitous circumstances, as with the so-called multiple sclerosis occurred after vaccination against hepatitis B. It said many appeared not called. Therein lies the problem for a shortcut media and unscientific. Since we know that no vaccine against hepatitis B is the cause of MS, but rumors are persistent qu'imbéciles.

Some vaccinated against Influenza A (H1N1) have won a fortune e

In fact did you know that dozens of people have won the lottery after being vaccinated against H1N1? But he better not fuss made by the fear of running out of vaccines ....
Go see what they say about the earthquake in Haiti on January 12. You can imagine anyway right? Guess?
If ... These are the United States who are responsible for this earthquake. What to remain shaken!
See article

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: a European survey on the H1N1 vaccine

Dr. Carmen Kreft-Jais, pharmacovigilance manager of the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS), relativize the importance of narcolepsy-related vaccine against influenza A.

Why suggest a possible link between vaccination against influenza A and narcolepsy while the incidence of this neurological disorder has yet nothing to be alarmed?

You're right, with six cases to six million people vaccinated in France, the incidence rate is not abnormal. However, we must refine, see if new cases occur and make comparisons with previous years. There is a signal rather unusual: generally new cases of narcolepsy are not communicated to us. Unlike what happened in Sweden last week where the occurrence of these cases has generated huge media interest. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced Friday 27August having opened at the request of the European Commission, an investigation into the vaccine Pandemrix against H1N1, suspected of having caused the crises of narcolepsy in Finland and Sweden.

Why do we do we talk as Sweden, Finland and France? Are there figures for other countries?

Sweden and Finland are countries where vaccination coverage is particularly high. They are probably more attentive to potential side effects of the vaccine. In France, pharmacovigilance plays a very important role. Regarding the number of cases or other affected countries, we do not have additional statistics, we have no exact figure. We expect the scientific evaluation of the European Medical Agency (EMA).

In that case, why risk creating a new psychosis in people and not wait for the results of the EMA?

The problem is unfortunately complicated: if we do not communicate, we are taxed desire to conceal information. A Conversely, by making this public concern, we are rebuked for being too alarmist. We preferred to play the card of transparency.
By Kevin The Louargant in the Express

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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WHO declares the end of the pandemic of H1N1 influenza

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday the end of the pandemic H1N1, otherwise known as influenza A. The organization decided to bring the pandemic to a mere flu.

Since its discovery in April 2009, Influenza A has been 18 500 deaths worldwide. During the pandemic, WHO has been accused of handling the crisis of H1N1 under pressure from pharmaceutical companies. The orgnaistaion was then denied the accusations: "At no time, even a second, business interests did not come into play in the decision process.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Of the 21 million doses of vaccine ordered by France against influenza A, only 5.3 million were eventually used, reveals The latest report of the parliamentary committee of inquiry ... Especially, 3.46 million had been "thrown away or scrapped!

You read that right: almost as those used. And thank you for that?

For multi-dose containers of the precious elixir, designed for the needs of the famous "Vaccination Centres", we are told. Remember, these gyms, these schools, empty in the early days, then overwhelmed ... These vouchers duly numbered immunizations, well sometimes arrived after the battle ... These doctors requisitioned and furious, these apprentices nursing embarrassed the armholes ... And therefore these vaccines, packaged in bundles - good lesson in economics - but also throws the shot packet - this time a question of hygiene. But who had this great idea by the way? It remembered? Could this be the interior minister, Brice Hortefeux? He, indeed, who wished to entrust the management of the pandemic plan to prefects, rather than generalists. We do not really say enough is bad. The pandemic has not occurred, the better. But the sketch is not complete: other 12 million vaccines have reached their expiry date between July and October 2010 - just before the winter flu epidemic. Still missed. Unless you anticipate a chouille ...
Julie Joly

Friday, July 2, 2010

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New hygiene campaign in the fall

Ms. Bachelot said June 30 that a new awareness campaign on hygiene will be organized in the fall .

The health minister was speaking before a Senate committee about the epidemic of influenza A. The campaign, defending handwashing and use disposable tissues, had "a double benefit: It has stopped the spread of the virus" and "very seriously reduced the number of gastro and bronchiolitis" Roselyne Bachelot said that "40% of French people have changed their behavior "after the campaign, organized at the beginning of the pandemic. "We must start again, because the mobilization exhausted," she said. Ms Bachelot was speaking before the Senate Committee investigation on the role of pharmaceutical companies in the government management of H1N1, "established at the initiative of the Communists and the Left Party. It was the last Committee hearing, chaired by François Autain (Left Party). The report of the Committee is scheduled for July 28. The minister also regretted the lack of European coordination in response to the epidemic. France, in this kind of situation, "not the right scale," she said before adding: "We went in a disorganized to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies, we paid the price, we can improve things. " Asked about the status of negotiations on the price payable on termination of contracts of sale of vaccines, she said that she did not "make a difference between laboratories. "GlaxoSmithKline, the only one with whom there is not yet agreement, was offered the same conditions as other laboratories (16% of the amount of canceled orders). She said he notified GSK, the laboratory from which was ordered more doses, conditions of termination, and that the British laboratory had until September to make an appeal.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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In Cambodia, Prime Minister and three ministers affected by influenza A (H1N1) avian influenza

Prime Minister Hun Sen and three are ministers of government have contracted influenza A (H1N1), announced the Ministry of Health. The head of government recovered after several days under supervision.

59 years old Hun Sen was awarded "emergency treatment" after the cabinet meeting last Friday, said the Ministry of Health in a statement released Tuesday night. "After treatment, the Prime Minister Hun Sen has regained his health." The Prime Minister had publicly stated last week that he was suffering symptoms of the flu and had missed the 59th anniversary of his party, the Cambodian People's Party on Monday. Three other ministers have contracted the virus. At least six Cambodians have died to influenza and 600 others were sick since the beginning of the epidemic in the country in June 2009.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dot On My Computer Screen

kills girl in Indonesia

A four year old girl died Wednesday of H5N1 avian influenza in Indonesia, authorities said Monday. His death brings to 136 the number of fatal cases of the disease in the country most affected in the world. The girl lived in Pekanbaru, on Sumatra island. Three other patients who have not been in contact with it but live in the same region, are considered suspects. This is a mother, her seven year old girl and another five years.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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The volunteers pay is seized

"Oh, there are nurses who have been paid? "A bit provocative, Matthew Dworniczak, president of the union of nurses northern liberal (Sniil), summarizes the disappointments of the winter staff mobilized for immunization against influenza A. He said the majority of his colleagues are still awaiting compensation: "Apparently, it had to be done this month. At the prefecture, it is said that 60-70% of health personnel have received their pay. And that "there is no blockage that would prevent regularize all situations."

In fact, blocking is mainly administrative prefecture to treat a variety of situations, including students, professionals, officials from city hall, health ... At the Lambeth town hall, where some agents made up to 500 € overtime in vaccination centers, explains: "The County we had originally requested the records by mail, but as they were overwhelmed, it took them back by conventional mail. Claude, a retired physician, had to provide three times as the supporting documents (bank details, etc..) Since November. And still has not touched. "The State departments will make every effort to ensure that the work done you should be compensated as soon as possible," stated an e-mail of 19 January.
Steeven Demora. Pictured: The prefect of the North, Jean-Michel Berard, showed the way early in the campaign. The total cost of vaccination in the north to 2.2 million. Compensation ranges from 14 € per hour for nursing students, 66 € for the doctors.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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WHO admits mistakes in the management of pandemic flu (H1N1) H1N1 vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO) has accepted April 12 flaws in the management of pandemic influenza A (H1N1). Dr Keiji Fukuda, Special Advisor on the pandemic to the WHO director general, was interviewed by a committee of experts to assess how the organization handled the pandemic. "The reality is that there is a huge amount of uncertainties in [a pandemic]. I think we have not heard about these uncertainties. This was interpreted by many as a non-transparent process, "he said.

Dr. Fukuda also described as "ruthless" and "very high expectations for immediate information" of people around the world, while the virus was spreading rapidly across borders and as blogs and other new media were broadcasting speculation and criticism. He also described "the confusion on stage and level of severity," referring to the WHO scale of six levels for pandemic flu which takes into account the geographic spread of the virus but not its severity.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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: The Bulgarian Minister of Health charged with embezzlement

The Bulgarian Minister of Health, Bojidar Nanev, was charged Tuesday of squandering public funds for the purchase of vaccines against H1N1, for an amount considered too high and whose delivery was too late, said prosecutors in Sofia.

"Mr. Nanev has prejudiced the state to the tune of 2.5 million leva (1.28 million). The Ministry of Health was really able to get a more favorable contract " said Attorney Margarita Nemska. The Bulgarian government had ordered 200,000 doses of Tamiflu from Roche the Swiss laboratory for 6.5 million leva (3.3 million), while it had received an offer of around 2 million euros to the same amount, from the British health service, said the prosecutor. The latter said he had also accused a senior official of the Ministry of Health. Moreover, justified the prosecution, the vaccines were delivered only in January, a month and a half after the end of the influenza epidemic in Bulgaria. The prosecution was brought by health authorities British had protested and the Bulgarian anti-corruption service, because the doses of Tamiflu had been purchased regardless of the procedure governing public procurement.

Monday, March 29, 2010

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regulations are

"I'm sending a letter to Roselyne Bachelot, announced Dr. Claudine Etilé, she must know the wrath of caregivers who have worked for the vaccination campaign H1-N1. "

retired physician, she was asked for the vaccination center of Lourdes. Like her, other practitioners deplore how the program was conducted and lowered the severance pay they were promised and that they are still not paid.

Why are you angry today?

In October, doctors, caregivers, have responded to this vaccination campaign and despite the many emails sent to the prefecture by several doctors in the department, it is still not paid. For my part, I have done only 30 hours, but other doctors have held continuously throughout the campaign by taking on their own time. The team nurse was also present and for some, it was an additional income. I think particularly of one of them is in precarious situations, and relied heavily on this money coming. Unfortunately, there must be others in the same situation. It's really unusual! I am even more astonished that the administrative staff who have worked with us have already paid them.

What criteria were you recruited?

Personally, I'm in retirement. I was first contacted by mail and by phone. Despite my family obligations, my correspondent was very insistent. I felt short-staffed. We have agreed a timetable of presence and this is only after this discussion I asked the amount of compensation. He told me that I will be compensated € 66 per hour, a sum which, throughout the campaign, half melted. I guess it must be the same for nurses. It is surprising and not very correct.

You expect a settlement for five months. How far will you go to be paid?

I contacted several of my colleagues who are also very unhappy with what happens. It was the idea of writing an open letter to the attention of Roselyne Bachelot to let him know our feelings, our dissatisfaction. We do not exclude to publish this letter in the press. Beyond the issue of payment, the Minister must also know that does not condone the mismanagement of staff. At Lourdes, two doctors, a plethora of nurses, it was really too crowded. Moreover, later in the season we were idle, it does not jostled to get vaccinated. Surround themselves with more guarantees next time. To ensure vaccination of the population, the prefecture has opened six centers in the county. On 12 November last year has started this campaign of prevention. If, after a slow start, these clinics were up in attendance, the amplitude of fast opening of these clinics and personnel needed for their operation have proved much greater than demand.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

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flu A virus Influenza A (H1N1) weakened but still active in Asia

These are 118 new deaths were reported this last week in the world, the latest WHO report of 26 March showed a virus has weakened but continues to flow in South Asia, West Africa and in tropical America. In West Africa, limited data suggest active transmission of the virus without evidence of peak activity. The influenza B virus "seasonal" is still detected in East Asia but at low levels.

As of March 26, 2010, in the world, more than 213 countries and overseas territories have been affected by the virus A (H1N1) and at least 16,931 deaths have been reported, according to WHO.

In North America, the epidemic has continued to decline since its peak in late November, the virus continues to circulate at a very low overall. In Central and South America, active transmission of the virus is reported in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Panama. Brazil In Brazil, over the past two weeks, there is a growing trend of respiratory diseases.

In Europe, the epidemic peak is exceeded and activity Influenza continues to weaken. Note, over 20% of samples collected in Germany, Italy and Russia have tested positive.

In Africa, influenza activity is variable. Limited data suggest that the most active areas are located in West Africa and parts of East Africa, particularly Rwanda. 27% of respiratory specimens in Ghana, and 47% of samples in Rwanda, were tested positive for influenza A (H1N1) in mid-March. In Senegal, a strong growth respiratory disease is reported in association with increased detections of the virus. A small number of H3N2 and B influenza season were also identified.

In Asia, transmission of the virus is active in Thailand since mid-February but returned to the decline since mid-March. The increased activity since early March, however, Malaysia. A small number of seasonal influenza B continues to be isolated in Thailand and other parts of South Asia.

In Central America and in tropical South America, a growing trend of activity of respiratory diseases associated with Influenza A virus (H1N1) reported since early March in a growing number of countries. Source: WHO Report of March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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Vietnam: 2nd bird flu death

Vietnam has recorded its second victim this year of bird flu, a little girl of three years died today in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon in the south, said a health official.
The child, who lived in a neighboring province of the former Saigon (the Binh Duong), was transferred to a pediatric hospital in Ho Chi Minh City on March 10, when she suffered from severe lung infections, said Dr. Phan Van Nghiem, the local Department of Health. She had tested positive for the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza, March 15, a result confirmed by further investigations, he added. Vietnam had recorded its first death this year due to bird flu last month, a woman of 38 years died also in the south, in the province of Tien Giang. This last death brings to 59 the number of victims of avian flu identified in Vietnam since late 2003, when H5N1 has reappeared in Southeast Asia. Since that time, Vietnam is the country with the heaviest death toll in the world of bird flu after Indonesia, according to the World Health Organization. The country currently lists homes animal bird flu in six provinces spread from north to south.

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Avian influenza in Romania: Bulgaria takes preventive measures

Bulgaria has put in place Tuesday preventive measures against bird flu after detecting an outbreak on a farm near the Romanian border with Ukraine, has announced National Veterinary Service.

Poultry must not leave the backyard and must be protected against contamination, according to the instructions issued. Bulgarian-Romanian border is mainly marked by the Danube, and the outbreak of H5N1 in Romania is situated on the river delta. The last case of avian influenza in Bulgaria goes back to early 2006. In the EU, the last confirmed case of avian flu had been detected in Germany a year ago.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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In Algeria 7 babies die from the flu in 48 hours in hospital Pediatric Annaba

seven babies died last forty eight hours after being infected by influenza virus in a hospital specializing in pediatric El Bouni in the wilaya of Annaba.

AI is that practitioners have diagnosed as severe bronchiolitis, was detected immediately after the hospitalization of a baby from the wilaya of Tebessa. Mainly concentrated at the EHS pediatric El Bouni covering the wilaya of Annaba, Guelma, Tarf, Souk Ahras and Tebessa, this disease has reached all babies hospitalized and those presented by their mothers for outpatient care.

The information, which spread quickly, put in turmoil populations and Annaba wilaya boundary. When contacted, M Mestour Monji, Director of Health, Population and Hospital Reform in Annaba, while avoiding talk of an epidemic, confirmed that several babies were actually contaminated with acute bronchiolitis and 7 of them died.

"All steps have been taken to prevent this contagious disease from spreading outside the confines of EHS pediatric infected with the virus," he said. Early Tuesday evening, state of health of two other babies infected same virus aroused strong concern. Specialized teams in disinfection are hard at work in the EHS.

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A case of avian influenza in Romania

A case of bird flu at a chicken farm near the Ukrainian border was Dectect Romanian health authorities announced on Tuesday the European Commission. A surveillance zone of 20 km wide has been set up around the farm, located Letea, and all chickens will be slaughtered. The last case of an outbreak of H5N1 was in a year in Germany, and involved a wild duck.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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Pandemic H1N1, which has killed 16,455 since March 2009, continues to decline worldwide

This is revealed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its latest balance sheet. "As of February 28, 2010, more than 212 countries and territories around the world have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1), including at least 16,455 deaths", 229 additional deaths in one week WHO said in a note on its website. At the height of the disease in the Northern Hemisphere, the WHO reported more than a thousand deaths a week.

In the region most affected by the pandemic, the continent U.S. flu reached its peak in October-November, according to WHO. But H1N1 continues to be the predominant flu virus worldwide and the organization, following the advice of his emergency committee, said Feb. 24 it was too early to announce that the epidemic was behind us. "In the temperate Northern Hemisphere, the influenza pandemic continues to be detected in many countries, however, the toxicity of influenza continues to decline almost everywhere," according to the UN organization. Transmission virus thus remains "active" in some parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand and Burma, and in limited areas of eastern and southeastern Europe.

She also notes that several countries in West Africa, including Senegal, "recorded more and more cases of flu pandemic although surveillance data are limited in these areas." To recap, the WHO had said recently that it was too early to announce that the peak of influenza A (H1N1) was spent in the world and that therefore "inappropriate" to change pandemic phase. "Based on the recommendations of the Emergency Committee, the CEO (Margaret Chan) decided it was appropriate today to make no change in the current pandemic phase", had recently told his Special Adviser pandemic influenza Keiji Fukuda. The 15 experts from the emergency committee of WHO, met on Tuesday, had considered it premature to conclude that "all parts of the world have reached a peak transmission of influenza A (H1N1). Following a teleconference intense over two hours, Committee experts have estimated that the global situation was twofold, with one hand "evidence of a decline or low activity of the pandemic in many countries and the other new foci of transmission in Africa West, "had on his side said Ms. Chan. They recognized and that the pandemic was "clear decline" in North America and Western Europe in particular, "said Fukuda.

However, the virus from porcine, avian and human that left more than 16 000 deaths since its introduction nearly a year on the American continent, is still active in Eastern Europe and Asia. In addition, cases have been reported recently in West Africa, including Senegal and Mauritania. The experts also considered that the winter is conducive to the spread of flu, would soon start in the southern hemisphere, has yet said Ms. Chan. "There are uncertainties about the emergence of new waves of widespread activity and a need not to undermine the preparations of the country," she insisted. WHO had clearly hinted last week that she hoped that the transmission peak was over the world, opening a new phase transition. "We hope that we enter [the] post-peak phase, which means" the worst is over "and that we are moving gradually towards a more comparable to seasonal influenza," explained the February 11 Dr. Fukuda. He then insisted that this phase of "transition" does not mean, however that the pandemic was over but it opened the door to new recommendations for countries. According to WHO recommendations for the management of H1N1 were still valid.

However, the agency UN stated that it advised over the manufacture of a single vaccine for the pandemic virus in the Northern Hemisphere winter. In addition, the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) called the 32 teams qualified for the final phase of the World Cup in South Africa (June 11-July 11), to vaccinate against H1N1 delegations, Cup world takes place during the austral winter. The precautionary principle also applies to the 2010 World Cup. "We are monitoring the situation closely with WHO and health authorities in South Africa," said Jiri Dvorak Chief Medical Officer of FIFA. Sometimes accused of having overestimated the importance of the phenomenon last fall, the WHO now estimates that it is "too early" to ensure that the peak of the pandemic has passed. The World Cup taking place right in the austral winter, cases of influenza A are not excluded during the test, hence the appeal to the selections, said FIFA.

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Flu in France: A bill of over a billion

While the pandemic is over, time is on the accounts. Purchase of vaccines and masks, gyms, ad campaign ... France, she spent too much?

Taking rang. While the opposition roundly on the government, two parliamentary commissions of inquiry began their research on the management of the epidemic of influenza A (H1N1). The Social Chamber of the Court of Auditors has also just launched its own audit. Always stoic face of criticism and persuaded not failing, Roselyne Bachelot will be explained. The Director General of Health, Didier Houssin, would meanwhile be interviewed this week by senators but, for reasons of agenda, the meeting You have been postponed several days. This leaves more time to argue the Ministry of Health, held to centralize figures scattered in various administrative services. The mission is more complex than the exercise is unprecedented.

"It's an exercise that we always lose out," said Roselyne Bachelot

France has put in order of battle for a war against a virus that had hit the population and to lose several points GDP to the national economy. In the light of the balance sheet, how were they made disproportionately ? Influenza A has 302 victims in France ... much less a common seasonal flu. To sketch an initial assessment of influenza A, Le Journal du Dimanche has updated the figures available and had added. The bill, incomplete, already stands at over one billion euros. The National Insurance sickness is not known how this epidemic has generated a sick or additional medical requirements. Care hospitals in serious cases has not yet been quantified, nor will perhaps never so much the operation is complex, according to several experts. The payroll of medical and paramedical staff, who came to pitting chain, have not yet been established. "We started to pay interns, student nurses and pay transportation costs for students the end of December. The other staff will have to wait, perhaps for certain until June, "says one to the Ministry of Health. The rules of the administration are so complex that different departments are struggling to decide who should pay the bills. This "means debauchery", which already exceeds billion euros, a political justification. The government has decided to pull out the heavy artillery, favoring a massive vaccination campaign. The Elysee Palace, the Ministry of Health, Matignon and Bercy have always considered the health of the French was priceless. Leaders, traumatized by the repeated crises French health - contaminated blood, growth hormones, mad cow disease and, more recently, heat waves - did not intend to take any chances.

Only 7% of the population agreed to be vaccinated

"Today I am reproached to do too much, likes to repeat Roselyne Bachelot. But initially the same reproached me for not doing enough. It is an exercise that we always lose out. "Raymond Soubie, the social adviser of the President of the Republic, is not alien to the religion of the precautionary principle maximum. If differences are emerging within the government, they concerning the logistics of the crisis. Last June, Brice Hortefeux, Minister of the newly appointed Interior, wanted to have the upper hand on the steering all the vaccination centers. Jacobin organization that excluded physicians city of the chain shown its limitations: only 7% of the population agreed to be vaccinated. As far as the financial cost is the distrust shown by the French against their leaders who must worry about today. Anne-Laure
Barret and Marie-Christine Tabet - Le Journal du Dimanche

Friday, March 5, 2010

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experts Influenza under fire from critics

In a debate held at the National Assembly, experts have called for better supervision expertise of health and criminal sanctions in case of lack of independence.

France does not finish with influenza A. While the activity of the virus remains for nine weeks well below the epidemic threshold, the controversy swelled regarding the vaccination campaign and the role of French experts, too tied to the pharmaceutical industry according to some. Currently, according to the Sentinel network, ILI confirmed during a consultation with a GP have a frequency of 28 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. It is far from the pandemic, enacted beyond the 149 cases per 100 000.

On February 24, the National Assembly had agreed to the creation a commission of inquiry into the vaccination of influenza A (H1N1), launched in the fall. Wednesday is an audition group (health officials, experts, associations) which was organized in the Palais Bourbon, at the initiative of Socialist MP Gerard Bapt, group president of Environmental Health Studies. The discussions have reached a conclusion: the health expertise should be better supervised and open civil society.

Currently, experts who advise on products or strategies of health, must certainly be a declaration of conflict of interest and specify the personal interests they may have in any matter, including their links with the laboratories. But the problem is that the statement is not verified and there is no penalty for failure. "There is an unfair stigma of experts," said Jean Marimbert, CEO of Afssaps Agency (the drug). The health expert Bruno Lina suggests that professionals provide expressions of interest "contract" in which they engage, and they can be "Criminally prosecuted" for any omissions or falsehoods.

Several speakers also put forward ideas for better support expertise. Martial Mettendorf, secretary general of the Directorate General of Health, has indicated that a charter of ethics of public health expertise, common to all health agencies, was initiated. Marc Mortureux, who will head the new agency involving AFSSA (food) and Afsset (Environment and Labour), revealed that a scientific council would be "the guarantor of the scientific quality of the expertise and independence "And that would be created" an ethics committee and prevention of conflicts of interest. " He pledged to hold public debates and open expertise to the humanities.

A "high authority of the alert and expertise"

Guespereau For Martin, director of Afsset, expertise should not focus only on risks "proven" but also "uncertainties" applying the precautionary principle. It must also be open to civil society, to ask the right questions. "If I do not know what risk people are afraid, I can not answer, "he said.

Finally, Andre Cicolella, Environmental Health Network, has, meanwhile, suggested creating a "high authority of the alert and expertise," which would define the principles and would follow. "Without Constable, the Highway Code is a scrap of paper," he summarized.

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H1N1 continues to decline

Pandemic flu H1N1, which has killed 16,455 since March 2009, continues to decline worldwide, according to the latest report published today by WHO. "As of February 28, 2010, more than 212 countries and territories around the world have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of H1N1, which killed at least 16,455", 229 extra deaths in one week, said WHO in a note.

At the height of the disease in the northern hemisphere, WHO reported more than a thousand deaths a week. In the region most affected by the pandemic, the American continent, the flu has peaked in October-November, had considered the WHO in January. But H1N1 continues to be the predominant flu virus worldwide and the organization, following the advice of his emergency committee, said Feb. 24 it was too early to announce that the peak of flu had increased in the world.

"In the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, the flu pandemic continues to be detected in many countries, however, the general activity of influenza continues to decline in most places, "the WHO said Friday. The transmission of the virus thus remains "active" in parts of southeast Asia, especially Thailand and Burma, and in limited areas eastern and south-eastern Europe, according to WHO. She also notes that several countries in West Africa including Senegal "relate more and more cases of flu pandemic although surveillance data are limited in these areas."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

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The number of cases of influenza A (H1N1) is increasing in Senegal

The number of cases of influenza A (H1N1) is increasing in Senegal since the confirmation of the first cases appeared on 8 February by health authorities. Senegal has registered as of March 1, 2010, 156 cases. An increase of 36 cases, over the past week.

According to weekly newsletter on the status of influenza A (H1N1), the 156 people affected by the pandemic from several regions of Senegal: Dakar, Diourbel, Louga, Tambacounda, Fatick and Kaffrine. Officials from the Ministry of Health assured, because there are no serious cases or deaths counted. All persons affected by the flu has been cured.

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The flu experts under fire for their links with laboratories

Expertise Health, questioned for his ties to pharmaceutical companies during the epidemic H1N1, should be better supervised and open civil society, in a debate held in the Assembly. Socialist MP Gerard Bapt, President of Study Group Environmental Health of the National Assembly, was held Wednesday at the Assembly hearing group (health officials, experts, associations).

experts who advise on products or health strategies should certainly make a statement of "conflict of interest" and clarify their personal interests may have in any matter, including their links with the laboratories. The problem is that the statement is not verified and there is no penalty for failure. Competence, impartiality, transparency, all speakers agreed on principles. "There is an unfair stigma experts," said Jean Marimbert, CEO of Afssaps (drug agency), while Bruno Lina, chartered including H1N1, ensured there was always "adversarial and peer review. " Dominique Maraninchi, President of the Cancer Institute (Inca), noted "considerable progress" made by expertise, headed by the Inca to foreign specialists and involving patients' associations.

A charter of ethics of expertise to the study e

Several stakeholders have suggested ideas for framing expertise. Work is underway on a charter of ethics of public health expertise, common to all health agencies, said the secretary general of the Directorate General Health, Martial Mettendorf. Jean Marimbert made the difference between "useful links leading to major conflicts" and others "having a minor impact." A conflict of interest, may be "just a train ticket paid by a manufacturer," added Bruno Lina. He suggested that the experts state the amount received for a given activity, because, he said, "give expressions of interest without money behind it is useless." All felt the need "to be intractable on compliance." Marc Mortureux, who will head the new agency involving AFSSA (food) Afsset and (Environment and Labour), said a scientific council would be "the guarantor of the scientific quality of the expertise and independence," and that would be created "an ethics committee and prevention of conflicts of interest ". He pledged to hold public debates and open expertise to the humanities. Guespereau for Martin, director of Afsset, expertise should not focus only on risks "proven" but also "uncertainty", applying the precautionary principle. It must also be open to civil society, to ask the right questions. "If I do not know what risk people are afraid, I can not answer, "he said. Cicolella Andre Network, healthy environment, has suggested creating a" High Authority of the alert and expertise, "which set out principles and would enforce them. "No policeman, the traffic is a scrap of paper," he said. Bruno Lina has suggested that experts provide statements of interest "contract" where the person "and committed can be criminally prosecuted.

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H1N1 Vaccine: OPECST advanced Internet

The progress report published by OPECST (Parliamentary Office for Scientific and technological) analysis responsibilities of different actors in the pandemic preparedness plan and stressed the growing importance of the Internet.

The pandemic preparedness plan, originally designed against the risk of pandemic influenza very high mortality, has suffered from its "rigidity", "lack of consultation and information," says the report stage of the OPECST.

Deputies and senators questioned, since September, medical educators, researchers, physician networks, unions and representatives of various health authorities (Ministry, Directorate General of Health, Institut de Veille Sanitaire, Eprus). The health economist Claude Le Pen believes that "he who is in fact today, the legitimacy to determine the policies of health in France, Internet, media and sees who denies handling everywhere. It conveys the challenge to all social superstructures. And treats public speaking as a vehicle for lies. "According to historian Patrick Zilberman," Internet, during the influenza pandemic, has acted as a sounding board, while the government communication has demonstrated an incredible shyness. The pandemic is subscribed to any social networks (Facebook and Twitter), who are just able to reach a population at risk particularly stubborn gestures and barriers to vaccination. "When is the expert report on Facebook and the recommendations of the Has Twitter?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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Academy of Medicine criticized the method of acquiring vaccines against influenza A (H1N1)

In a statement, the National Academy of Medicine, believes that the acquisition of vaccines against influenza A (H1N1) should be done in stages depending on the evolution of pandemic in the general population.

Academy of Medicine estimated that the foundation of health vaccination campaign against influenza A (H1N1) were "justified", but regretted that there was no discussion prior to choose between a mass vaccination and targeted vaccination of persons at risk, then, there has been no ' explanation or justification on the choice of mass vaccination. Lastly, the Academy regret the exclusion of general practitioners and pediatricians in the immunization campaign, which she had already called for mid-October 2009, and who would, she said "significantly improved public acceptance ".